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University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Modernizes Incident Management

Case Study

UTS needs a modern system for incident reporting

Being in the heart of a metropolis has its benefits for UTS students. But the university’s open campus precincts, or building clusters, do present challenges for staff and administrators tasked with keeping those students safe.

Besides ensuring a safe learning environment for students, the university has a legal mandate to keep track of crime and other incidents that happen on its campus. Since foreign students matriculate at UTS, the university also has to comply with reporting requirements that come from abroad.

One of the best examples of this is the Clery Act, a U.S. statute that compels colleges and universities to keep and disclose information about crimes committed on their campuses. UTS receives its fair share of students from the U.S. And so, it must report crimes affecting those students and keep track of those incidents for three years.

Complicating matters for UTS, however, was the fact that it didn’t have a dedicated incident management system fit for this purpose. Instead, the university had a clunky legacy system, which users admitted left much to be desired.

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