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Employee Health & Wellbeing

Wellbeing - Survey Programs


This module enables managers to create survey programs will send out questionnaires to personnel to learn more about their level of wellbeing so that it can be measured over time.


  • Survey program will not run unless it has at least 5 participants to maintain results anonymity
  • Personnel completing the survey have the option to remain anonymous or to provide their name
  • Surveys will arrive in a workers dashboard to remind them to complete it
  • Workers will be sent an email when opted into the survey program
  • Managers can visualise survey responses from the program in dashboard charts

How to Use

This module is included in the Noggin Safety product.

To use this module, add the “Survey Programs” dashboard to a manager profile.

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Module Contains

Object type
3 object types
5 workflows
5 forms
1 list
2 dashboards
7 charts
7 filters