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The world's leading integrated resilience workspace for risk and business continuity management, operational resilience, incident & crisis management, and security & safety operations.

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Business Continuity Testing Best Practices

Business continuity planning is crucial to post-disaster recovery and success. But testing your BCP is just as important. So, why is testing not...

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How Noggin Helps You Stay Resilient Regardless of Connectivity

To stay resilient, organizations and agencies must have their people, particularly their field personnel, able to work from anywhere and at any time.

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How Noggin Provides Powerful Digital Tools for Visualizing Relationships to Mitigate Disruption Risk & Enhance Resilience

In the past used predominantly to improve back-office operations and cut down on costs, third-party products and services have increasingly become...

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4 Sources of Threat Intelligence

With cyber threats becoming more prolific and pernicious, detailed, actionable threat information has become more valuable. That type of threat...

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Understanding the EOC Preparedness Cycle

The Park Fire in Northern California once again demonstrates that severe weather events can happen at any time. And when they do, emergency...

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3 Steps to Developing a Lone-Worker Risk Program

To protect workers, many employers implement broad-based safety management programs that address risk systemically. But there’s a class of workers...

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5 Roles & Responsibilities in a Crisis Communication Team

As observed recently, in times of crisis, a business in times must be able to respond promptly, accurately, and effectively or suffer a major...

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6 Business Continuity Plan Testing Best Practices

The insurance brokerage, Gallagher estimates that more than 70% of companies without a comprehensive business continuity plan (BCP) fail to recover...

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What Organizations Should Know about the Business Continuity Policy

Your organization is committed to setting up a business continuity management system (BCMS). You’ve consulted best practice, but where should you...

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What is a Business Continuity Policy?

In business continuity management, the business continuity management system (BCMS) is key to preparing for, providing and maintaining controls and...

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3 Types of Cyber Issues and How to Prepare for Them

When surveyed, business leaders will acknowledge the severity of the cyber threat. But about which specific cyber issues are they likely to be the...

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Best-Practice Strategies for Planning for Resilience

Last month, FEMA released its draft National Resilience Guidance for review. For organizations of any stripe, the document provides high-level,...

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Digital Technology to Accelerate Incident Response

Execution speed, i.e., how fast resources, people, and processes are mobilized, has always been integral in incident response and management. A...

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How to Conduct a Job Safety Analysis

A key principle in safety management is that most risks should be mitigated as early as possible. However, there’s likely always to be some residual...

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What Is Business Continuity Risk?

Business continuity management (BCM), as defined in international standard ISO 22301, is the holistic management process that identifies potential...

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What Is BCDR? Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

As threats to business increase, business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR) have emerged as critical aspects of business planning and business...

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4 Capabilities to Consider in Selecting Crisis Management Software

Organizations today face a unique threat environment, which is forcing them to prioritize organizational resilience. However, many aren’t certain...

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What Is Enterprise Risk Management?

Successfully managing risk is key to running a modern business. However, the traditional way in which many businesses have been managing their risk...

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Key Steps to Manage Operational Risk

From geopolitical conflict to supply-chain disruption to extreme weather, the risk forecast for companies has dimmed appreciably. However, increasing...

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4 Digital Capabilities to Consider in Business Continuity Planning Software

Companies confronting an unprecedented era of compounding, consecutive, and concurrent crises.

The question then turns to, what business continuity...

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Mandatory Cyberattack Reporting: A Harbinger of the Future?

As cyberattacks increase will regulators demand mandatory cyberattack reporting?

In one sector, they likely will.

Which one? Read on to find out.

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What is Crisis Communication? Crisis Communication Strategies

When crisis response goes awry, poor communication is often at fault. Poor communication typically takes any of the following forms:

  • Withholding...
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5 Reasons to Upgrade Your Emergency Management Platform

Organizations today face a litany of challenges to resilience, with the popularity of the hybrid workforce fragmenting incident response, as well....

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