Being stymied trying to invest in the right digital emergency management software platform to stay safe, avoid property damage, and recover quickly? Maybe senior leadership doesn’t understand that the right technology, far from being a financial burden, can serve to accelerate the implementation of best-practice strategies, thereby lowering overall costs. Which strategies, though?
Mitigation efforts pay off down the road
Indeed, not all strategies are created equal. Far too many organizations, noting the increase in severe weather events, have sped out to procure short-term weather models.
These around-the-clock weather forecasts have limited value, however. They often fail to project the arrival and behavior of extreme weather events accurately.
Towards where then should investments go? We think cost-effective mitigation efforts.
The measures most often cited by experts include adopting and strengthening building codes as well as upgrading existing buildings. The Natural Hazard Mitigation Saves report, for one, makes the following suggestions:
- Adopting the latest building code requirements saves USD 11 per USD 1 invested. Building codes have greatly improved society’s disaster resilience, while adding only about 1 per cent to construction costs relative to 1990 standards. The greatest benefits accrue to communities using the most recent code editions.
- Above-code design could save USD 4 per USD 1 cost. Building codes set minimum requirements to protect life safety. Stricter requirements can cost-effectively boost life safety and speed functional recovery.
- Building retrofits could save USD 4 per USD 1 cost. Investments of over USD 500 billion to upgrade residences with 15 measures could save more than USD 2 trillion.
Emergency management software to increase situational awareness
These measures are only one piece of the puzzle. Mitigation is important to mitigate the impacts of critical events. But organizations also need emergency management software that ensures the effective response to those events and emergencies when they do happen.
Where’s the ROI, there?
Well, the more swiftly an entity responds to and recovers from an emergency the lower the costs they incur. And not just less direct financial impact, either, but fewer operational and supply-chain disruptions, as well as less property damage and brand erosion.
Which capabilities help?
Organizations will get the best bang for their buck from software platforms that provide situational awareness across multiple locations – not just one. And these platforms have the following in common:
- Create a common operating picture to maintain situational awareness via field personnel updates, GIS feeds, data import, email, and social media
- Display information on comprehensive dashboards and incorporate additional tools from across the internet at any time
- Monitor and evaluate essential services, e.g., tracking the latest Community Lifeline status or any other key metrics
- Oversee critical infrastructure with dedicated tools such as crowded place and impact assessments
- Support mitigation activities with risk matrices and critical infrastructure protection tools
- Identify at-risk areas and facilities both before and during incidents
That’s not all, though. Time is also lost (and costs increased) without speedy activation of emergency management personnel. How can technology help organizations avoid that expense? Download our latest guide to Building a Business Case for Emergency Management Software, targeted at non-profits and private organizations but useful for all entities looking to maximize what they spend on a digital EOC.